Author: Andreas Blumauer
Open Your Data! Tear Down Those Data Silos!
I have just uploaded a whole batch of Emergency Exit: Semantic Web logos to Flickr and made them available under a Creative Commons licence, hoping that people are going to
Culture is interactivity
Why don’t we think of coalition negotiations in a new dress: Maybe these are the topics we should rather discuss in our governments – all throughout Europe… The Brazilian government
Like a Jigsaw Puzzle: The Similarities between Man and Semantic Machines
An interview with Herbert Hrachovec, conducted by SWC’s own Marion Fugléwicz-Bren, drew my attention to an article by Hrachovec in which he explored what he calls the “irreconcilable similarities” between
Topic Maps and the Semantic Turn in IT
The 2nd International Topic Maps Users Conference in Norway is coming up in April – a good occasion to review the potential of Topic Maps to further the Semantic Turn
Yes, SWC is a KiWi Project Partner, too
Someone wondered why I was blogging so intensely about the KiWi Project Kick-off: Not only because it is an intriguing project but also, yes indeed, because the Semantic Web Company
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.6: Salzburg Research
Please forgive me that the key player is now getting the last mention in my little ‘KIWI Project Partners’ series: Salzburg Research has actually the biggest share of responsibility within
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.5: Logica
Logica (formerly known as WM-Data) is the second KIWI-business partner, participating in the project management use case. Logica and their knowledge and project management activities were introcued by Søren Rieck,
Yahoo! embraces the Semantic Web
What has been in the shade for several months now steps brightly into the sun: Yahoo! is heavily turning towards the Semantic Web. The underlying open-search-strategy is based on putting
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.4: Sun
As soon as KIWI enters the use cases stage, collaboration with business partners is going to gain particular importance. One of these partners is Sun Microsystems – who hardly need
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.3: Aalborg University
The third partner contributing to the second KIWI work package, Enabling Technologies, is a team from Aalborg University (AAU) led by Peter Dolog, Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Unit