Tag: kiwiknows
Conceptualizing knowledge with CMMI: the KiWi/Logica usecase
Peter Axel Nielsen, a researcher from Aalborg University who is working on the Logica usecase, started his report by giving us an overview of CMMI, a process improvement approach that
KiWi Joint Work Package Meeting in Prague
So here we go again, the KiWi and me: Today, tomorrow and Friday I am in Prague with my colleagues Andreas Blumauer and Matthias Samwald, attending the first Joint Workpackage
Impressions from ESWC
“Communion must be symmetric”, well-known painter Salvador Dalà once said about Leonardo’s masterpiece “The Last Supper“. I could not help feeling reminded of this phrase when I made this snapshot
CORDIS thinks KiWi is a newsworthy highlight:-)
I’ve just found out that the live blogging marathon from the KiWi kick-off meeting has been deemed a highlight on CORDIS’ website. CORDIS is the European Union’s Community Research and
Yes, SWC is a KiWi Project Partner, too
Someone wondered why I was blogging so intensely about the KiWi Project Kick-off: Not only because it is an intriguing project but also, yes indeed, because the Semantic Web Company
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.6: Salzburg Research
Please forgive me that the key player is now getting the last mention in my little ‘KIWI Project Partners’ series: Salzburg Research has actually the biggest share of responsibility within
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.5: Logica
Logica (formerly known as WM-Data) is the second KIWI-business partner, participating in the project management use case. Logica and their knowledge and project management activities were introcued by Søren Rieck,
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.4: Sun
As soon as KIWI enters the use cases stage, collaboration with business partners is going to gain particular importance. One of these partners is Sun Microsystems – who hardly need
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.3: Aalborg University
The third partner contributing to the second KIWI work package, Enabling Technologies, is a team from Aalborg University (AAU) led by Peter Dolog, Assistant Professor in the Information Systems Unit
KIWI Project Partners, Pt.2: Brno University of Technology
“My expectations for KIWI are actually very high”, says Pavel Smrz. “From the very begining, even from the project preparation phase, it has been obvious that Kiwi could be an