Author: Andreas Blumauer
Integrating Information Extraction into the KiWi-System: a proposal from Brno
Semantic technology isn’t about technology: It’s noble concern is to make the life and work of people easier. Yesterday, Marek Schmidt and Petr Knoth, both working on PhD project within
Combining Closed and Open Data Classification Mechanisms in an Extended Thesaurus
In the next session, Rolf Sint gave us insights into his approach to the combination of closed and open data classification mechanisms, which is informed by his findings in his
Usage Data Model Day in the KiWi Project
Yesterday we dealt with reports, user interaction and interface questions, today is usage data model day (or morning) in the KiWi – Knowledge in a Wiki – Project. Usage data
Not a pipeline, but a graph: software development in the KiWi/Sun usecase
Josef Holy‘s report this morning about the status quo in the KiWi usecase conducted in collaboration with Sun microsystem presented us with an interesting contrast. While the point of departure
Conceptualizing knowledge with CMMI: the KiWi/Logica usecase
Peter Axel Nielsen, a researcher from Aalborg University who is working on the Logica usecase, started his report by giving us an overview of CMMI, a process improvement approach that
KiWi Joint Work Package Meeting in Prague
So here we go again, the KiWi and me: Today, tomorrow and Friday I am in Prague with my colleagues Andreas Blumauer and Matthias Samwald, attending the first Joint Workpackage
Collective intelligence – a matter of collective accountability
These days, everyone seems to be into smart mobs, swarm intelligence and crowdsourcing – maybe it’s about time to remember that a “collective on autopilot can be a cruel moron”,
A good reason not to participate in Google’s Favicon challenge
Of course none of you power users out there has failed to notice Google’s new, to my mind abysmally ugly Favicon. It looks weirdly smudged, like something that the CEO’s
A good reason not to participate in Google's Favicon challenge
Of course none of you power users out there has failed to notice Google’s new, to my mind abysmally ugly Favicon. It looks weirdly smudged, like something that the CEO’s
Google I/O: Videos, Slides and a brief summary of the OpenSocial Talk
On May 28 & 29 2008, Google I/O, the developer gathering around Google’s applications and APIs, took place in San Francisco. Most of the slides and videos of the session