Tag: World Wide Web
Thoughts on KOS (Part 3): Trends in knowledge organization
The accelerating pace of change in the economic, legal and social environment combined with tendencies towards increased decentralization of organizational structures have had a profound impact on the way we
Thoughts on KOS (Part 2): Classifying Knowledge Organisation Systems
Traditional KOSs include a broad range of system types from term lists to classification systems and thesauri. These organization systems vary in functional purpose and semantic expressivity. Most of these
José Manuel Alonso: “If you want to scale up, you should consider LOD”
José Manuel Alonso has been working for W3C and CTIC in many open data projects. At the Web Foundation he promotes and supports (linked) open data in developing countries. Martin
José Manuel Alonso: "If you want to scale up, you should consider LOD"
José Manuel Alonso has been working for W3C and CTIC in many open data projects. At the Web Foundation he promotes and supports (linked) open data in developing countries. Martin
Topic Maps and the Semantic Web
From November 11 – 13, 2009 this will be one of the big issues at the 5th International Conference on Topic Maps taking place in Leipzig/Germany. When asked about the
Chris Bizer talks about the commercial opportunities of linked data
In a recent interview Prof. Chris Bizer from FU Berlin gave some insights into the commercial opportunities of linked data. In the short run he predicts three application areas: I
The Times They Are A-Changin … yes, we can
Image by William WM via Flickr One of the many ways that the election of Barack Obama as president has echoed that of John F. Kennedy is his use of
Read this: Linking Social Networks on the Web with FOAF
Jennifer Golbeck, Matthew Rothstein. Linking Social Networks on the Web with FOAF: A Semantic Web Case Study. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’08). Download (PDF, 320 KB).
Ideas worth spreading: More Entertainment, less Technology
The tradition of Barcamps is not very old. The idea of course, is. Some of you might remember the upcoming of TED in 1984. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design.
The Gap between the Web 2.0 and Semantic Web Community (tentative post)
Two days ago in upper Austria, the BarCamp Traunsee, subtitled “Social Media Review Camp”, took place, which I had co-organized and which was co-sponsored by our own lil’ Semantic Web