Tag: Sören Auer
The hype, the hope and the LOD2: Sören Auer engaged in the next generation LOD
The paneuropean Project LOD2 is one of the biggest projects dealing with linked data. Scientists, programmers and software architects in various european countries are working on the next generation of
Using Triplify to expose the semantics of a site
Recently the SWC took a thorough look at Triplify, a tool for mapping the contents of a relational DB to RDF, in the course of which we could convince ourselves
OntoWiki Workshop
Days 3 and 4 of the OntoWiki KickOff Meeting in Leipzig were comprised of semantic technologies and OntoWiki development workshops. Just like the overall organization of the project meeting was
The Semantic Web becomes mainstream, again.
The roll-out of semantic web technologies seems to enter the next stage. And it will be a quiet (r)evolution like the open source movement was. Two examples: Next year´s JAX
DBpedia, UMBEL & the Future Web's Ecology – interview with Mike Bergman & Sören Auer
The Linked Open Data infrastructure is in a tremendous process of maturing – the recent release of UMBEL’s webservice AND the incorporation of UMBEL classes in DBpedia are yet another
DBpedia, UMBEL & the Future Web’s Ecology – interview with Mike Bergman & Sören Auer
The Linked Open Data infrastructure is in a tremendous process of maturing – the recent release of UMBEL’s webservice AND the incorporation of UMBEL classes in DBpedia are yet another
Bringing (Legacy) Data to the Web [WOD-PD]
The third session at WOD-PD was dedicated to “Bringing (Legacy) Data on the Web“, and led by Sören Auer (University of Leipzig, Germany) and Orri Erling (OpenLink Software) . Sören