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Revealing Trends and Insights in Online Hiring Market Using Linking Open Data Cloud
How a business-related application that exploits open-data may look like is presented to the Semantic Web Challenge 2012 by Amar-Djalil Mezaour, Julien Law-To, Robert Isele, Thomas Schandl (SWC) and Gerd
Exchanging experience: Confluence & Jira Community Day 2012
The annual Confluence & Jira Community Day for the German-speaking area (organised by Communardo Software GmbH) took place last week in the Haus am Domplatz in Frankfurt. Dirk Röhrborn (CEO
Exchanging experience: Confluence & Jira Community Day 2012
The annual Confluence & Jira Community Day for the German-speaking area (organised by Communardo Software GmbH) took place last week in the Haus am Domplatz in Frankfurt. Dirk Röhrborn (CEO
Survey on "Perception and Relevance of Controlled Vocabulary Quality Issues"
The University of Vienna (Research Group Multimedia Information Systems) and the Semantic Web Company are conducting a survey on “Perception and Relevance of Controlled Vocabulary Quality Issues”. The survey
Survey on “Perception and Relevance of Controlled Vocabulary Quality Issues”
The University of Vienna (Research Group Multimedia Information Systems) and the Semantic Web Company are conducting a survey on “Perception and Relevance of Controlled Vocabulary Quality Issues”. The survey
Free Webinar: How NPOs and NGOs make use of Linked Data and Controlled Vocabularies
NPOs and NGOs are acting more-and-more as open data providers for various stakeholders like citizens, enterprises and communities. Linked open data becomes a key concept to meet several demands of
State-of-the-art Text Mining: PoolParty Extractor 2.1.1 released
PoolParty Extractor (PPX) is part of the PoolParty product family and builds the basis for state-of-the art text mining applications. The idea behind PPX is to underpin automatic text mining
iSemantics 2012 – Visualization of Linked Data in Focus
The I-Know / I-Semantics 2012 is over, leaving their mark in the minds of nearly 500 participants: in more than 100 presentations, poster sessions and discussions latest trends and technologies
Best papers of I-SEMANTICS 2012
462 registered participants from 33 countries, more than 100 presentations and 5 key note speeches made up the 8th international I-SEMANTICS conference from September 5-7, 2012 in Graz, Austria. With
iSemantics 2012 – First day, first impressions
Semantic Web Company’s Gerd Zechmeister and Helmuth Nagy are in Graz those days, where i-Semantics, one of the largest conferences in Europe in the field of semantic systems and the