Old Post Category: Uncategorized
Cuil looks good, but does it know German?
After publishing the first Cuil post this morning and adding it to my list of semantic search engines, I realized that I hadn’t checked its foreign language abilities. German is
Cuil – bigger, better, semantic, more – or what?
The blogosphere is abuzz with Cuil – according to its inventors Cuil is “an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.” If it’s got knowledge in it, it
Common vs. Marginalized Knowledge – a Potential Showstopper for the Semantic Web?
Earlier today I published an interview that my colleague Marion Fugléwicz-Bren led with Corinna Bath from the Institute for Advanced Studies in Science, Technology and Society (IAS-TS). Corinna Bath is
Ontologies at ECAI08
Brief report from the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI2008, which was just held in Patras, Greece. We had great weather and roughly 700 participants. We even had some
Collaboration and Telework, enhanced by Social Software
Gianna Trapani, an editor at Macworld and Lifehacker recently write a short article about the social software tools she uses to collaborate with her Lifehacker co-editors: The Portable Office: Work
MySpace about to integrate OpenID – but with some restrictions
Just found on BBC News: “MySpace members will soon be able to use their login details to get access to some other websites.” Regrettably, they draw a distinction between “providers”
Science 2.0 – Social Networks for Scientists
The benefits of the Web 2.0 and Social Web are finally gaining wider recognition within the scientific and the (slowlier adjusting) academic community, with several online platforms evolving that seek
Just released: UMBEL – A New Vocabulary for the Semantic Web
News has reached me this morning that UMBEL has now been publicly released! UMBEL is a new vocabulary for the Semantic Web – I first learned about it when Andreas
BarCamp Traunsee reviews Social Media
It’s been more than six months that the Viennese crowd gathered at a BarCamp – and the next BarCamp is coming up on August 22, 23! It’s going to take
Unlimited Queries with Yahoo! Search BOSS
While Microsoft got all the attention for its agreemant to purchase Powerset, Yahoo! launched its Search BOSS program. BOSS stands for Build your Own Search Service, and it allows owners