Tag: Wikipedia
Jury Award for Semantic Wikis in eGovernment, and: Semantic MediaWiki for Wikipedia?
An implementation of Semantic MediaWiki in public administration reiceved a jury award yesterday in the final ceremony of the highly coveted multimedia state award (Staatspreis Multimedia) 2008 in Vienna: Centre
Sep 24, 2008
Semantic Tagging with Faviki
In May, a new bookmarking service, Faviki, started which, unlike other bookmarking services, comes to the public semantically enhanced. ReadWriteWeb already had a first look at it and described it
Jun 11, 2008
Video: Links to DBpedia in TopBraid
Two weeks ago (but still worthwhile mentioning) Holger Knublauch from Topquadrant made a little video for his blog, highlighting how DBpedia can be used to link different domain models with
Apr 30, 2008