Interview on Enhancing Semantic Web applications with Linguistic Information
John McCrae (Uni Bielefeld), Elena Montiel-Ponsoda (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Tobias Wunner (DERI Galway) will hold a tutorial at the ESWC 2011 with the title “Enriching the Semantic Web
May 23, 2011
Greetings from Crete!
ESWC 2009 is not over yet – but I am happy to announce: The Semantic Web Community is more alive than ever before! We had four days of brilliant talks,
Jun 4, 2009
ESWC – Video Lectures about Semantic Wikis
Sebastian Schaffert, coordinator of the KiWi project, just pointed readers of his blog to the video of his ESWC-Lecture “Semantic Wikis – IkeWiki – A Semantic Wiki for Collaborative Knowledge
Oct 3, 2008