Tag: BBC
Linked Data in the Content Value Chain or Why Dynamic Semantic Publishing makes sense …
In 2012 Jem Rayfield released an insightful post about the BBC’s Linked Data strategy during the Olympic Games 2012. In this post he coined the term “Dynamic Semantic Publishing”, referring
May 19, 2014
Linked Data at the BBC: Connecting Content around the Things that matter to Audiences
This year SEMANTiCS conference presents some brilliant speakers. As there is Sofia Angeletou with her keynote on the 2nd generation Linked Data Strategy at the BBC. Quote: “The vision of
May 8, 2014
BBC Music relaunch: Linked Data goes Business?
Since SWC is involved in a couple of semantic web projects in the media industry, I was watching for the BBC Music relaunch. Now the new platform is online –
Apr 8, 2009