Category: Knowledge Modelling
Packing my bags for VoCamp Oxford
(by Matthias Samwald) I am packing my bags once again: The first VoCamp (hosted at Oxford University, UK) is about to start this week. So, what is a VoCamp supposed
What the Semantic Web can learn from Open Hypermedia
I didn’t know about the Open Hypermedia protocol (OHP) until I read a blog post today by Dave Millard, a Lecturer of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK.
Wikis for Knowledge Engineering, and in Global Businesses
Sorry for still writing about last week, but the TRIPLE-I conference had far too many interesting topics to offer for me to be already through with them – promise, this
The Wild vs The Orderly: Folksonomies and Semantics (TRIPLE-I 2008)
This second day of TRIPLE-I 2008 was my personal folksonomy day, even though the theme was already set yesterday, with Andreas Hotho‘s invited talk about “Extracting Semantics from Folksonomies” which
TRIPLE-I 2008: First Day Filled by Commonsense Knowledge
The TRIPLE-I conference in Graz today started with a keynote by Henry Lieberman, research scientist at the MIT Media Laboratory. Given that, nominally, at least a third of the conference
Meet us @ TRIPLE-I 2008 in Graz
From September 3 – 5, 2008 you can meet us at this year’s TRIPLE-I conference. TRIPLE-I is being jointly organised by the Know Center Graz and ourselves (with a lot
Just released: UMBEL – A New Vocabulary for the Semantic Web
News has reached me this morning that UMBEL has now been publicly released! UMBEL is a new vocabulary for the Semantic Web – I first learned about it when Andreas
SWC’s Matthias Samwald contributes to W3C notes
Early June saw the release of two notes drafted by the Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) Interest Group within the W3C. One of the contributors, and editor
SWC's Matthias Samwald contributes to W3C notes
Early June saw the release of two notes drafted by the Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) Interest Group within the W3C. One of the contributors, and editor