Category: Knowledge Modelling
Using SPARQL clause VALUES in PoolParty
Since PoolParty fully supports SPARQL 1.1 functionalities you can use clauses like VALUES. The VALUES clause can be used to provide an unordered solution sequence that is joined with the results
Thoughts on KOS (Part 3): Trends in knowledge organization
The accelerating pace of change in the economic, legal and social environment combined with tendencies towards increased decentralization of organizational structures have had a profound impact on the way we
Thoughts on KOS (Part 2): Classifying Knowledge Organisation Systems
Traditional KOSs include a broad range of system types from term lists to classification systems and thesauri. These organization systems vary in functional purpose and semantic expressivity. Most of these
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with "semantic" interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with “semantic” interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Transforming music data into a PoolParty project
Goal For the Nolde project it was requested to build a knowledge graph, containing detailed information about the austrian music scene: artists, bands and their music releases. We decided to use PoolParty, since
SEMANTiCS2015: Calls for Research & Innovation Papers, Industry Presentations and Poster/Demos are now open!
The SEMANTiCS2015 conference comes back this year in its 11th edition where it all started in 2005 to Vienna, Austria! The conference takes place from 15-17 September 2015 (the main
SEMANTiCS2015: Calls for Research & Innovation Papers, Industry Presentations and Poster/Demos are now open!
The SEMANTiCS2015 conference comes back this year in its 11th edition where it all started in 2005 to Vienna, Austria! The conference takes place from 15-17 September 2015 (the main
Data to Value & Semantic Web Company agree partnership to bring cutting edge Semantic Management to Financial Services clients
The partnership aims to change the way organisations, particularly within Financial Services, manage the semantics embedded in their data landscapes. This will offer several core benefits to existing and prospective
Data to Value & Semantic Web Company agree partnership to bring cutting edge Semantic Management to Financial Services clients
The partnership aims to change the way organisations, particularly within Financial Services, manage the semantics embedded in their data landscapes. This will offer several core benefits to existing and prospective