Author: Andreas Blumauer
Thoughts on KOS (Part 2): Classifying Knowledge Organisation Systems
Traditional KOSs include a broad range of system types from term lists to classification systems and thesauri. These organization systems vary in functional purpose and semantic expressivity. Most of these
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with “semantic” interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with "semantic" interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Transforming music data into a PoolParty project
Goal For the Nolde project it was requested to build a knowledge graph, containing detailed information about the austrian music scene: artists, bands and their music releases. We decided to use PoolParty, since
Introducing the Linked Data Business Cube
With the increasing availability of semantic data on the World Wide Web and its reutilization for commercial purposes, questions arise about the economic value of interlinked data and business models
Linked Data in the Content Value Chain or Why Dynamic Semantic Publishing makes sense …
In 2012 Jem Rayfield released an insightful post about the BBC’s Linked Data strategy during the Olympic Games 2012. In this post he coined the term “Dynamic Semantic Publishing”, referring
Online checker for SKOS vocabularies now available
Create better SKOS vocabularies PoolParty team likes to announce the availability of the new online vocabulary quality checker for SKOS vocabularies. It finds over 20 kinds of potential quality problems
REMINDER: I-SEMANTICS 2013 – Deadline Extension
I-SEMANTICS 2013, the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, has extended the deadlines of its Call for Papers. Important Dates (Research & Application & Challenge Papers) Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:
Exchanging experience: Confluence & Jira Community Day 2012
The annual Confluence & Jira Community Day for the German-speaking area (organised by Communardo Software GmbH) took place last week in the Haus am Domplatz in Frankfurt. Dirk Röhrborn (CEO
Exchanging experience: Confluence & Jira Community Day 2012
The annual Confluence & Jira Community Day for the German-speaking area (organised by Communardo Software GmbH) took place last week in the Haus am Domplatz in Frankfurt. Dirk Röhrborn (CEO