Author: Andreas Blumauer
PoolParty at Connected Data London
The communities in different locations gather to share, exchange and network around topics like Linked Data. In London, a new conference is emerging exactly for this purpose: Connected Data London. The conference sets the stage for industry leaders and early adopters as well as researchers to present their use cases and stories.
How PoolParty and ISO 25964 fit together
We are frequently asked whether PoolParty is compatible with ISO 25964. Our basic answer always is “Yes, of course” as the data model defined in the standard can be mapped to SKOS + SKOS-XL.
Ready to Connect to the Semantic Web – Now What?
The goal of publishing open data should be to make it available for access or download and to make it interoperable. One of the big benefits is to make the data available for software applications which in turn means the datasets have to be machine-readable.
If You like “Friends” You May like “Veronica’s Closet”!
In a previous blog post I have discussed the power of SPARQL to go beyond data retrieval to analytics. Here I look into the possibilities to implement a product recommender all in SPARQL.
If You like "Friends" You May like "Veronica’s Closet"!
In a previous blog post I have discussed the power of SPARQL to go beyond data retrieval to analytics. Here I look into the possibilities to implement a product recommender all in SPARQL.
SPARQL analytics proves boxers live dangerously
You have always thought that SPARQL is only a query language for RDF data? Then think again, because SPARQL can also be used to implement some cool analytics. I show here two
Using SPARQL clause VALUES in PoolParty
Since PoolParty fully supports SPARQL 1.1 functionalities you can use clauses like VALUES. The VALUES clause can be used to provide an unordered solution sequence that is joined with the results
Thoughts on KOS (Part 3): Trends in knowledge organization
The accelerating pace of change in the economic, legal and social environment combined with tendencies towards increased decentralization of organizational structures have had a profound impact on the way we
SWC's Semantic Event Recommendations
Just a couple of years ago critics argued that the semantic approach in IT wouldn’t make the transformation from an inspiring academic discipline to a relevant business application. They were
SWC’s Semantic Event Recommendations
Just a couple of years ago critics argued that the semantic approach in IT wouldn’t make the transformation from an inspiring academic discipline to a relevant business application. They were