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We are participating in a pan-European solution for data-related issues of the future

Data sharing shapes the economic and societal future of Europe and bears huge potentials, but also comes with risks and apprehensions. Semantic Web Company is partner in the EU project TRUSTS – Trusted Secure Data Sharing Space which was established to identify and overcome legal, ethical, and technical challenges of cross-border data markets.

The TRUSTS European Data Market will be based on the reference architecture designed by the International Data Spaces Association. The IDS architecture is considered the de facto standard for creating and operating data ecosystems. Its approach is to enable interoperability through semantic data descriptions, to create trust between participants through certified security functions, and to establish governance rules for data usage and data flows.

Semantic Web Company contributes to the project in pioneering the interchange of meta-data between different Market Places and the semantic enrichment of the meta-data. In the core of this functionality will stand Semantic Web Company’s PoolParty Semantic Suite and UnifiedViews.