Tag: text mining
State-of-the-art Text Mining: PoolParty Extractor 2.1.1 released
PoolParty Extractor (PPX) is part of the PoolParty product family and builds the basis for state-of-the art text mining applications. The idea behind PPX is to underpin automatic text mining
Sep 12, 2012
PoolParty Thesaurus Manager 3.1 with auto-population feature was presented at SemTechBiz 2012 in San Francisco
A new PoolParty Thesaurus Manager (PPT) release was presented at this year´s Semantic Technology & Business Conference in San Francisco: Version 3.1.0 is a major release offering lots of great new
Jun 7, 2012
Re-vamped PoolParty Knowledge Discoverer has been released
PoolParty team has released a brandnew version of its knowledge discoverer to showcase the power of knowledge models in combination with linked data and text mining. First of all: PoolParty
May 26, 2012
Automatic text analytics using DBpedia and PoolParty – A Live Demo
Let me show you which steps have to be taken to generate a high-quality text mining application, ready to be used to annotate and to categorize any kind of text
Feb 2, 2012