Tag: Semantic MediaWiki
KiWi Software Package Released – Call for KiWi Snow Camp
The 14th of October 2010 was a very special date for the KiWi project: After more than two and a half years of development version 1.0 of the semantic collaborative
OntoWiki Workshop
Days 3 and 4 of the OntoWiki KickOff Meeting in Leipzig were comprised of semantic technologies and OntoWiki development workshops. Just like the overall organization of the project meeting was
Semantic MediaWiki In Popular Media
Semantic MediaWiki is being featured in issue 12/2008 of the German popular computer magazine iX in an article about wiki engines. It’s the only semantic wiki among those presented, and
Short Semantic MediaWiki Tutorial (with link to sandbox)
On the occasion of the recent publication of our book, Social Semantic Web, we have created an accompanying wiki for you to explore the contents of the book and obtain
Jury Award for Semantic Wikis in eGovernment, and: Semantic MediaWiki for Wikipedia?
An implementation of Semantic MediaWiki in public administration reiceved a jury award yesterday in the final ceremony of the highly coveted multimedia state award (Staatspreis Multimedia) 2008 in Vienna: Centre
Wikis for Knowledge Engineering, and in Global Businesses
Sorry for still writing about last week, but the TRIPLE-I conference had far too many interesting topics to offer for me to be already through with them – promise, this
Ontologies at ECAI08
Brief report from the 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI2008, which was just held in Patras, Greece. We had great weather and roughly 700 participants. We even had some