Tag: Open Calais
Calais, Zemanta or textwise?
Beside W3C´s Linked Data Initiative, it were semantic services like Calais, Zemanta or textwise which have made the advantages of the Semantic Web visible for a broader community in the
Tom Tague on Open Calais 4
The recent release of Open Calais v4 offers excting new possibilities by making a great contribution to Linked Data efforts. Previous releases of Thomson Reuter’s Open Calais web service already
The Semantic Web becomes mainstream, again.
The roll-out of semantic web technologies seems to enter the next stage. And it will be a quiet (r)evolution like the open source movement was. Two examples: Next year´s JAX
Multimedia in the Web of Data – Annotating and Interlinking Photos, Music, Multimedia [WOD-PD]
The Web of Data Practitioners Days concluded with the session on Multimedia in the Web of Data, the first part of which was led by Ansgar Scherp (University of Koblenz-Landau,
Is OpenCalais becoming a Search Engine?
From the very beginning I was wondering, what Reuters is going to do with all that data generated by OpenCalais. So I took a moment and browsed through the Privacy
Is Reuters unleashing the Semantic Web?
Open Calais – a new and smart API from Reuters – finally does what critics say to be the greatest obstacle to the Semantic Web: Taking the metadata burden from