Tag: Linked Data & Open Data
Interview with Juan Sequeda: “I believe Linked Data will enable new killer apps that are only possible thanks to Linked Data.”
Juan Sequeda, co-chair of the Triplification Challenge 2010 and one of the core figures in the Linked Data movement, gives us his view how the Semantic Web might evolve. His
The Open Government Data Meetup in Vienna
Show what is possible! As Martin Kaltenböck – one of the organizers oft the recently held Semantic Web Meetup on an Austrian Open Government Data Initiative – said, there is a
55 people enjoyed the first semantic web meetup in vienna
Yesterdays first “semantic web meetup” attracted 55 attendees to join in for presenting, talking and socialising. Approximately one year after the series of semantic web meetups started in NYC, there
Keep the Semantic Web trusty
Image via Wikipedia In recent days – here at Semantic Web Company – we have had a lot of discussions on how the future of the Semantic Web (name it
Just released: UMBEL – A New Vocabulary for the Semantic Web
News has reached me this morning that UMBEL has now been publicly released! UMBEL is a new vocabulary for the Semantic Web – I first learned about it when Andreas
LinkedData Planet in New York: A great community event for all things semantic
First of all: LinkedData Planet is a big success in terms of visitor numbers to begin with. The “Grand Ballroom†at Hotel Roosevelt, a lovely old hotel in Manhattan, was
And the winner is: The vision of a future where ordinary people publish structured data
The Semantic Web Company is one of the partners of this year’s LinkedData Planet Conference in New York (June 17-18, 2008). As part of this partnership, we launched a competition,
A. Shakya: “From hyperlinking to data linking”
[This article was written by guest author Aman Shakya and originally submitted as an entry in our LinkedData Vision Competition] The current gigantic network of web documents could be realized
A. Shakya: "From hyperlinking to data linking"
[This article was written by guest author Aman Shakya and originally submitted as an entry in our LinkedData Vision Competition] The current gigantic network of web documents could be realized
Vision Competition: First Entries
The first entries have begun to trickle in in our Linked Data Vision Competition – the fabulous prize is full conference pass for this year’s LinkedData Planet conference in New