Tag: Google
the next google
Image via Wikipedia Maybe you have noticed it already; today in the morning something new appeared at Google’s search engine interface: A bunch of corresponding search-suggestions based on your search
Google and the Semantic Web: About Quad Stores and URIs
Just recently Google launched another interesting service called “In Quotes”. It delivers quotes from stories linked to from Google News and users can compare opinions of e.g. politicians in a
Why Wolfram Alpha won´t replace Google
If Nova Spivack and Doug Lenat are positive with what they have seen from Wolfram Alpha, I am also close of being convinced that the internet community won´t be dissapointed
Pimp your Google
Sure, that´s not the end of the flagpole – but “a little semantics goes a long way” (Jim Hendler): With two Firefox add-ons, you can pimp your Google and you
Yahoo vs Google – Technology vs Advertising
Just stumbled upon this observation in a blog post by Daniel Tunkelang where he compares Yahoo’s and Google’s latest key word tools, and chuckled. The occasion was Yahoo’s release of
Extending Google: First Look at SemantiFind
Just stumbled upon SemantiFind via T3N, and then upon the review on ReadWriteWeb from last week Thursday. What’s it about? Semantifind is an IE and FF browser plug-in that extends
Cuil looks good, but does it know German?
After publishing the first Cuil post this morning and adding it to my list of semantic search engines, I realized that I hadn’t checked its foreign language abilities. German is
Cuil – bigger, better, semantic, more – or what?
The blogosphere is abuzz with Cuil – according to its inventors Cuil is “an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.” If it’s got knowledge in it, it
A good reason not to participate in Google’s Favicon challenge
Of course none of you power users out there has failed to notice Google’s new, to my mind abysmally ugly Favicon. It looks weirdly smudged, like something that the CEO’s
A good reason not to participate in Google's Favicon challenge
Of course none of you power users out there has failed to notice Google’s new, to my mind abysmally ugly Favicon. It looks weirdly smudged, like something that the CEO’s