Tag: Application programming interface
Triplifying a Real Dictionary
The Linked Data Lexicography for High-End Language Technology (LDL4HELTA) project was started in cooperation between Semantic Web Company (SWC) and K Dictionaries.
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with "semantic" interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Thoughts on KOS (Part1): Getting to grips with “semantic” interoperability
Enabling and managing interoperability at the data and the service level is one of the strategic key issues in networked knowledge organization systems (KOSs) and a growing issue in effective
Linked Data in the Content Value Chain or Why Dynamic Semantic Publishing makes sense …
In 2012 Jem Rayfield released an insightful post about the BBC’s Linked Data strategy during the Olympic Games 2012. In this post he coined the term “Dynamic Semantic Publishing”, referring
Semantic Web driven tagging tool makes clean energy content searchable and findable!
New reegle API will tag online resources automatically – and suggest related content. A new cost-free tagging tool is now available to anyone who provides online resources in the clean