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Talk @Semantics 2021

Annotating Entities with Fine-Grained Types in Austrian Court Decisions Speaker: Artem Revenko The usage of Named Entity Recognition tools on domain specific corpora is often hampered by insufficient training data. We investigate an approach to produce fine-grained named entity annotations from a small training dataset to later apply it on a large corpus of Austrian […]

Webinar: Semantic Web enabled Machine Learning

Semantic Web enabled Machine Learning Presenter: Anna Breit, Victor Mireles We present an overview of the use of Semantic Web technologies in Machine Learning workflows. We will start by a general overview of the different steps in the application of Machine Learning techniques to real world cases. Afterwards, the viewers will be treated to a […]

Webinar: Machine Learning powered Semantic Web

Machine Learning Powered Semantic Web Presenter: Anna Breit, Victor Mireles Our speakers will start with a brief introduction of what semantic web and machine learning are, go on to describe the general steps of using Semantic Web technologies, and present examples of how ML can be applied in these steps. The goal is to inspire […]

SWC Research @Semantics 2022

Applying Semantic AI platforms for Augmented Intelligence Presenter: Robert David, Patrice Neff Wednesday, September 14, 2022 - 10:30 to 12:00 In recent years, augmented intelligence systems have advanced to provide humans with insights for knowledge discovery and decision making. Using a cooperative approach, these systems use powerful artificial intelligence (AI) to augment human cognitive activities. To do so, […]

SWC @iDSC 2023

iDSC 2023 Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30, Krems an der Donau, Krems an der Donau

Taxonomy-enhanced Document Retrieval with Dense Representations Authors: Victor Mireles, Artem Revenko, Ioanna Lytra, Anna Breit, Julia Klezl Presenter: Artem Revenko Time: 2.5.2023 11:30am Document retrieval is a task that powers several downstream applications such as search and question answering. One way to approach this task is to take embeddings of the documents to be retrieved, […]

SWC @ESWC 2023

ESWC 2023 Crete

Combining Semantic Web and Machine Learningfor Auditable Legal Key Element Extraction Presenter: Anna Breit Time: May 31st, Session 3A: KGs and ML, 14:30-15:30 Based on a real world use case, we developed and evaluated a hybrid AI system that aims to extract key elements from legal permits by combining methods from the Semantic Web and […]

SWC @LDK 2023

LDK 2023 Vienna

Rapid AI-based detection of aggressive or radical content on the web Presenter: Artem Revenko and Alexander Schindler Time: Sept 13th, SALLD-3 Workshop, 16:30-17:00  

DataBri-X Webinar: Governance & toolbox for European data spaces

DataBri-X Webinar #1: Governance & toolbox for European data spaces | Introduction to the DataBri-X project Through the DataBri-X project, European Data Spaces, platforms and marketplaces, as well as their wide range of business, governmental and public, research and civil society stakeholders, will be equipped with a holistic and flexible data governance process and a […]

DataBri-X Workshop: Interoperability in Data Spaces II @Semantics 2023

Semantics 2023 Sachsenseite 7, Leipzig

DataBri-X Workshop: Interoperability in Data Spaces II Use Cases, Tooling, Governance The workshop will combine 2 main parts: (i) an experts panel to discuss syntactic and semantic interoperability, and (ii) a series of lightning talks from the Call for Participation – Position Papers. And rounds of discussions about the workshop topic. This one-day workshop brings […]

DataBri-X Webinar: Wolters Kluwer pilot to demonstrate the capabilities of the DataBrix-X toolbox for the Legal Data Spaces

DataBri-X | Wolters Kluwer pilot to demonstrate the capabilities of the DataBrix-X toolbox for the Legal Data Spaces Wolters Kluwer is a global provider of specialist information, software and services for lawyers, tax advisors and auditors, clinicians and nursing staff as well as for finance, auditing, regulatory and compliance. Wolters Kluwer Germany as the DataBri-X […]

DataBri-X Webinar: NOVA Telecommunications pilot to improve network services, social media brand equity & customer satisfaction

NOVA: Telecommunications pilot to improve network services, social media brand equity & customer satisfaction NOVA is a leading telecom operator in Greece and aims to utilize the DataBri-X toolbox to tap into the vast amount of data available in the current digital age. The UC presented in the Webinar validates how data shared via the […]

DataBri-X Webinar: Siemens pilot to demonstrate the capabilities of the DataBrix-X toolbox for the Energy Data Spaces

DataBri-X | Siemens pilot to demonstrate the capabilities of the DataBrix-X toolbox for the Energy Data Spaces     Siemens AG is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, […]

SWC Research @Semantics 2024

Semantics 2024 Meer en Vaart 300, Amsterdam

Investigate the Impact of Contextual Information on LLMs for Taxonomy Expansion Presenter: Artem Revenko Time: Sept 18th, Room 10, 13:00-13:30 This paper presents an exploratory study that investigates the use of various Large Language Models (LLMs) for the task of taxonomy expansion. Our objective is to enhance the taxonomical structure by querying LLMs for (1) […]

SWC Research @TusnadEcoBear 2024

TusnadEcoBear Conference 2024 Băile Tușnad

A species conservation simulation system based on knowledge graph for brown bear movement prediction Presenter: Albin Ahmeti Time: Oct 22nd, 13:35 Species conservation, particularly for the brown bear, presents significant challenges. These challenges are typically addressed at local or regional levels through best practices aimed at minimizing human-wildlife conflicts, such as the installation of fences […]